Our Therapists

are competent

are dedicated

complement one another


Osteopath D.O.



Osteopath D.O.


Osteopath D.O.


Osteopath D.O.


Personal Development Coach & PNL














Une photo en noir et blanc d’une femme souriante.

Elaine Roussel

Osteopath - Massotherapist


The body is a sophisticated system, made to move, to feel, to reflect, and to wonder. It can act in ways that benefit us, safeguard us, and allow us to outperform ourselves. It serves as our best ally because it enables us to take action and move toward what is most important to us. Movement is undeniably its most powerful support. Its greatest quality is a sense of rhythm and an ability to activate and awaken in order to maintain its vital functions, then return to relaxation at exactly the right moment. All of this is done with pinpoint accuracy in response to the internal rhythms that govern it.

However, there comes a time when its greatest quality can also become its greatest flaw.

It starts to show signs of weakness when its rhythms are no longer respected and when we no longer listen to them.

While it is pushed to be active when it only needs to rest
When we deprive it of food to give it the desired shape
When it is immobilized in front of a screen while it is a machine designed to move
When it is subjected to high levels of stress induced by a false need for productivity, though it has nothing to prove, since it is perfect as it is

The key to health lies in our ability to not only be aware of our bodies and their rhythms, but also in our ability to honor and prioritize them.

Osteopathy can put us in dialogue with these rhythms through its gentle, holistic and conscientious approach to honor all their different aspects in order to finally achieve an easier and more comfortable life.

Un homme barbu sourit sur une photo en noir et blanc.

Vincent Perrault



Originally from Montreal, Vincent traveled for 15 years, working as a circus performer and farmworker. Osteopathy has changed his life by helping him heal from the multiple injuries he sustained during his adventures.

Wishing to share the well-being that osteopathy provides with others, he returned to school at 35 years old. He is equally at ease with acute and chronic pain, has an affinity with athletes, the elderly and is particularly comfortable with the treatment of concussions and TMJ (jaw) pain.

He is well-versed in treating acute and chronic pain.

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Eve Laure Thouillot

Osteopath D.O


Originally from Bordeaux, France, Eve Laure is a graduate of the Parisian osteopathic school HOLISTEA. With 12 years of exclusive osteopathic practice, she has honed her expertise and skills, which she is passionate about sharing.

Eve Laure has actively pursued post-graduate training, particularly in pediatrics and pre/post-partum care. 

Her solid grasp of anatomy and physiology allows her to identify tensions and imbalances through precise palpation, addressing symptoms and enhancing overall well-being.

Collaboration with healthcare professionals is second nature to Eve Laure. Her teamwork as well as her intra- and interprofessional communication skills ensure optimal care tailored to each individual's needs.

Eve Laure's approach to osteopathy is gentle, and she is eager to provide her skilled care and attentive listening to enhance your well-being.

Une femme vêtue d’une veste à fleurs sourit sur une photo en noir et blanc.

Audrey Lemaire

Osteopath D.O.


L’ostéopathie est avant tout une thérapie qui prend en compte la globalité de l’être humain, avec ses capacités physiques et mécaniques, mais aussi ses capacités de penser et de ressentir.

En plus d’être diplômée de l’Ecole Supérieure d’Ostéopathie de Paris depuis 2018, Audrey est diplômée d’un Master 2 en Psychologie et Neuroscience du Mouvement enseigné à l’Université Paris Nanterre. 

Durant ce double cursus, elle a pu étudier l’impact de notre environnement sur nos mouvements et nos capacités de bouger. La compréhension du milieu de vie avec ses habitudes et ses émotions a une place importante dans la prise en charge des douleurs de chacun. L’écoute et la bienveillance sont donc des qualités essentielles dans sa pratique ostéopathique. Instaurer un climat de confiance est primordial pour un traitement efficace, pouvant procurer des émotions positives qui entrent dans la dynamique de guérison.

Voyageuse, elle a trouvé l’opportunité de pratiquer dans une ONG au Cambodge où elle a pu offrir ses traitements ostéopathiques aux étudiants d’une école de cirque, les aidant à se rétablir après des entrainements intensifs ou des blessures. De retour en France, elle a continué à prodiguer ses soins dans le domaine sportif auprès d’une équipe de rugby, les encadrant durant les entrainements et sur le terrain pendant les compétitions. Elle connait donc les enjeux et l’impact du milieu sportif sur le corps humain et les conséquences des traumatismes subis. Ayant également pratiqué l’ostéopathie au sein de cliniques de ville, d’hôpitaux et de maternités, Audrey est capable de prendre en charge adultes, enfants, nourrissons et femmes enceintes. 

Par une pratique minutieuse, douce mais aussi dynamique, Audrey s’adapte à chacun dans un cadre de confiance et de bienveillance

Une femme sourit sur une photo en noir et blanc.

Diane Le Blanc

Personal Development Coach and PNL


We all have a story, a life that may have been so sweet and simple, but sometimes also punctuated by difficult moments and traumatic events. However, everything we have experienced is responsible for shaping the unique person we have become.

Since her teenage years, Diane has been passionate about singing, sports, but above all about human behavior; her reading has consisted of books on psychology and personal development. She's always found that lending a sympathetic ear and genuine support to others is important and fulfilling.

Following various events that occurred at the dawn of her 20 years and after having tried different methods of accompaniment such as psychology, psychoanalysis, psychiatry and EMDR hypnosis, it was the accompaniment in personal development that deeply touched her, sought her out, and revealed her potential.

"After 2 sessions, I quickly understood and unlocked limiting beliefs from my past and felt much lighter and more natural. This made me stronger and more resilient, overcoming a reorientation, a layoff, an expatriation. Two years ago, I realized that the only meaning of my life was to help anyone in need and accompany them to find themselves.”

Now trained through various certificates in personal development and counselling, Diane wishes to be the coach of a lifetime: the one you can call when you’re feeling stuck, the one who will know how to use the right words, help adjust your beliefs, overcome your fears, define your deepest values and set your goals for tomorrow in order to help you align yourself with your life’s purpose.

Helping you align yourself with your life’s purpose.

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Véronique Gareau



Originally from the Mauricie region, Véronique spent a large part of her childhood and adolescence on sports teams, particularly basketball, until she went to university. Having completed 2 years of a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology, she went on to do a Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy in 2000.

She has specialized her practice in musculoskeletal injuries (fracture, tendonitis, bursitis, capsulitis, herniated disc, sciatica). She has steadily pursued continuing education in musculoskeletal care and went on to get a diploma in physiotherapeutic puncture with dry needling in 2013, as well as specialized training for TMJ (jaw) and headache, and of course, manual therapy courses.

Since 2011, she has been a clinical instructor in medicine at the University of Montreal. She fills the rest of her schedule with additional opportunities, such as monitoring Cirque du Soleil performers for the Trois-Rivières performances.

One meeting will suffice to convince you of the wide range of treatment tools she possesses as well as her professionalism! We look forward to hearing from you!

Un homme en chemise papillon est appuyé contre un mur sur une photo en noir et blanc.

Gabriel Lalonde



After graduating with a Doctorate in Chiropractic from the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières in 2013, Gabriel has had the opportunity since the beginning of his career to meet with different health professionals and to refine his techniques of muscle work and chiropractic adjustments. He treats each patient as he would like to be treated, taking into account the pains and issues that everyone experiences, including children, athletes, and people with disabilities.

Empathetic and passionate about making things accessible, he ensures that each patient understands their problem. He seeks out ways to give them tips and exercises that are easy to integrate into a busy life, with the goal of establishing a continuity of wellness even after the treatments.

Precise and effective, his treatments are straight to the point and strive to get to the source of the problem.

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Evelyne Bouchard



In 2004, during a sports massage class, Evelyne met an acupuncturist who greatly influenced her interest in this alternative medicine. This was very timely as Evelyne, who already practiced as a massotherapist, was looking for another field of study that would complement her knowledge. In 2007, she obtained her diploma in acupuncture from Rosemont College and went on to do a several-week-long internship in China, more precisely in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Since then, she has been working with a varied clientele: athletes of all levels, pregnant women, children, elderly people, patients suffering from chronic pain, etc.

Over the years, she has participated in many acupuncture seminars: gynecology and obstetrics, dietetics, sports acupuncture, dry needling and trigger points, pediatrics, cupping, cranial acupuncture for neurological and psychosomatic conditions, Qi Gong and fertility, aesthetic acupuncture, and more. She has also gained experience treating professional athletes, including circus performers, runners and cyclists.

Her areas of interest remain musculoskeletal and chronic pain management, women's health and fertility, digestive disorders, and nutrition. Evelyne is also comfortable treating more common complaints such as headaches, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and allergies.

Generous, empathetic, and motivated, this therapist offers an attentive ear to each person who consults her in order to respond adequately to their needs.

To make an appointment directly with her, contact her at 514-661-6194 or at evelynebouchardac@gmail.com.

Evelyne advocates a holistic and personalized approach. For her, each human being is different and therefore requires their own comprehensive treatment.

Un homme portant des lunettes de soleil et une veste sourit sur une photo en noir et blanc.

Mathieu Fortin



Mathieu has been practicing massotherapy since 2016. He is a member of the Regroupement des intervenants et thérapeutes en médecine alternative et complémentaires (RITMA). Having grown up in an environment of athletes, he has always had an interest in physical training, health, well-being and surpassing oneself. He has competed at the highest level in cross-country skiing, running and triathlon. As a result, he developed rigor and discipline through athletic competition, which he uses to better comprehend the needs and realities of his clients.

Among his expertise, he obtained his certificate in Swedish massage, sports massage, deep tissue massage, as well as in the use of therapeutic cupping. His background has given him experience in relaxation massage, with many years of work in a spa-like environment, as well as in a holistic and complementary approach through his experience in several multidisciplinary clinics. He has also offered his services as a therapist to athletes at various sporting events. Thanks to his massages, he helps relieve discomfort and ease muscle tension. He helps in the preparation or recovery of the body after the effort, convinced that massage makes a difference for people who are under daily stress or for those who simply need a deep and enveloping relaxation. 

He helps relieve discomfort and ease muscle tension.

Une femme en chemise blanche sourit sur une photo en noir et blanc.

Sophie Ferrero



Sophie Ferrero is an international circus artist, with a 15-year career as a tightrope walker and a gold medal from the Festival de Cirque de demain in Paris. A massage therapy graduate for 15 years, she has always attached great importance to health and well-being.

With a rigorous discipline inherited from her circus experience and a passion for self-improvement, Sophie has developed an enveloping, warm and therapeutic approach to her massage therapy practice. She applies various techniques such as Swedish massage, Lomi-Lomi massage, lymphatic drainage and reflexology.

She distinguishes herself by her kindness, generosity, attentive listening, empathy, professionalism and passion, intrinsic qualities that guide her every interaction.

Her fundamental aim is to bring relief and assistance. Convinced that the body is our vehicle in life, Sophie attaches the utmost importance to its upkeep in order to lead a fulfilled and vital existence.

Sophie is convinced that her unique experience in the circus world, combined with her professional practice in massage therapy, could bring many benefits to people.

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